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PileGroup Version 2.4 Release

We are pleased to announce that PileGroup Version 2.4 is released in July 2022 with the following improvements and updates compared to the previous version:

Version 2.4 - July 2022

New Features:

(1) Multiple load combinations:

  • The main update in the PileGroup program is to add multiple load combinations into the program. Multiple load combinations can be defined now to include different load cases applied at the pile cap and load factors for each load case.

  • Load combinations can be defined by clicking the "Define Load Combination" item under the "Define" menu as shown in the figure below.

  • The dialog for defining load combinations is shown in the figure below. The default load combination number is 1 and it consists of the first load case with the default load factor of 1.0. The users can add, insert, and delete the number of load combinations. The maximum number of load combinations allowed in the PileGroup program is 50. The minimum load combination number is 1. The detailed inputs for the load cases and load factors can be defined by opening the dialog of “Edit Load Combination” after clicking the button of “Edit Load Combination” under the column of “Edit”.

  • The dialog for editing load combination is shown in the figure below. For each load combination, the users can input (1) The name of the load combination, and (2) the number of loading cycles. Note that the loading cycle number equal to 1 means static loading, and (3) selected load cases and the associated load factors. The load case can be added, inserted, and deleted but the minimum number of load cases is 1.

(2) Updated text output for analysis results:

  • The function of generating the text output file after the analysis is completed has been greatly improved in this version. All the inputs and analysis results are presented in a logic way in the output text file.



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