PileROC - Design and analysis for rock sockets under axial loading
PileROC is a program specially designed to predict the settlement for the piles socketed into rock under compressive axial loading and estimates ultimate and factored axial capacities for a range of socket lengths.
Main Benefits

Specially designed for rock sockets under axial loading
PileROC program is specially designed for rock sockets under axial loading. Three commonly-used rock socket analysis methods are available: (1) Fleming (1992)’s method; (2) Kulhawy and Carter (1992)’s method and (3) Load transfer method based on t-z and q-w curves.
Graphical presentation of load settlement curve at the top of rock socket
It is easy for the users to view the load settlement curve at the top of rock socket. Useful information such as axial pile capacity, ultimate end bearing resistance, ultimate total shaft resistance and settlement value are displayed on the same graph.

Detailed analysis results such as ultimate shaft resistance and end bearing resistance values are plotted against socket length
PileROC plots the detailed analysis results such as ultimate and factored shaft resistance, end bearing resistance, total axial capacity along the socket length. The graphical presentation can be either printed or copied into word document for reporting purposes.
Lateral capacity checking of rock socket under lateral force and bending moment applied at the top of rock socket
Lateral capacity checking of rock socket under lateral force and bending moment applied at the top can be carried out for different failure modes: (1) lateral bearing failure; (2) planar discontinuity controlled failure with specified dip angle of rock discontinuity and (3) planar discontinuity controlled failure with searching for critical dip angle of discontinuity. The adopted approach is based on the recommendations in Hong Kong Geoguide 1 (2nd Edition, 1993).