We are pleased to announce that PileGroup Version 2.3.1 is released in February 2022 with the following improvements and updates compared to the previous version:
Version 2.3.1 - February 2022
New Features:
Program Interface:
A message panel under the tree view dialog is now included in the main interface of the program to show the analysis results once the analysis is completed.
An output window is now included to present the detailed analysis results for all the piles within the pile group after the analysis is completed.
A new menu of "Pile Head" is now included into the main menu to show the pile head results such as displacements, forces and moments in 3D space.
The speed of 3D displaying for various results has been improved significantly, especially for the pile group with a large number of piles.
Minor documentation amendments and other various improvements such as hardcopy printing have been made.
Pile Head Result Display:
Apart from 3D displaying of various results at the pile heads, a new window dialog is added to display the pile head results on the pile group layout.
The following results at the pile heads can be selected:
Horizontal displacement, U1
Horizontal displacement, U3
Axial displacement, U2
Horizontal shear force, F1
Horizontal shear force, F3
Axial force, F2
Bending moment, M1
Bending moment, M3
Resultant horizontal shear force, F13
Resultant bending moment, M13
Torsion, M2
P-multiplier factor for nonlinear p-y curve analysis
Linear analysis based on elastic solutions:
A new analysis mode of linear analysis based on elastic solutions is now added into the program. When this option is selected, a linear analysis will be carried out for the pile groups. The approximate closed form solutions for single piles subject to axial loading (Randolph and Wroth 1978a and 1978b), torsion loading (Randolph 1981a) and lateral loading (Randolph 1981b) are incorporated into three-dimensional pile group analysis formulation of the program. This option is suitable for a quick analysis for the pile group with many piles.
​Define the pile cap geometry:
A new function is added to the program for the users to edit and define the pile cap geometry. By default, the pile cap shape is rectangular or circular. With this new function, the users can define the pile cap shape by manually inputting the X and Z coordinates for the pile cap points as shown in the figure below. The control points for the pile cap shape can be added, inserted, or deleted to create/edit the pile cap shape.