ALLPlate2D User Manual
ALLPlate2D Program installation and setup
Download, unzip and run the setup file ( to install the ALLPlate2D program. The following set up dialog will appear for the program installation. Pressing "Next" button to complete the installation process.
After the installation is successfully completed, ALLPlate2D can be opened and the following dialog will appear if the program cannot detect the presence of Plaxis 2D Connection Edition V22 on the same computer.
Note that the users will be reminded to either install the required Plaxis 2D program before they can use all the functions provided by the ALLPlate2D program or this program can still be used as a Viewer to open the Plaxis results extracted and saved with the data formats supported by ALLPlate2D. The latter option will be very useful to structural engineers who usually don't have Plaxis 2D program installed on their computers but still can view the analysis results through ALLPlate2D program.
For the users who have Plaxis 2D Connection Edition V22 installed on their computers, the following dialog will appear if it is the first time they run the ALLPlaye2D program. The main purpose of this dialog is to ensure that the python tool used to communicate with Plaxis 2D program and extract the results will be set up properly.
Pressing the button of "Click to complete the final set up" will set up the python tool automatically for the program. When this is done, the following dialog will appear and the users can click the "OK" button to finalize the setup process. Note that those dialogs will not appear again for the next time when the program is opened after the setup process is successfully completed.
Extract analysis results from Plaxis 2D
Plaxis 2D analysis results will be automatically extracted and saved into a single data file for all the analysis stages by simply clicking Expert ---> Run Python tool ---> ALLPlate2D under the menu from the Plaxis 2D output program as shown in the figure below. After the completion of result extraction process, a single data file will be automatically saved into the same folder of the Plaxis 2D analysis file.
After the result extraction process is completed, the main program of ALLPlate2D will be automatically started and all the analysis information will be read into the program. The following figure shows the main interface of the ALLPlate2D program which is started automatically after the result extraction.
Note that once the analysis results extraction process is completed, the results for all the analysis stages will be saved into a single data file which can be opened by the ALLPlate2D program.
Post-processing plate element results in ALLPlate2D program
Plaxis data extraction process will obtain the analysis results for all the plate elements modelled in the Plaxis 2D analysis. The retaining wall for deep excavation (for example, contiguous bored pile wall, sheet pile wall, secant pile wall, soldier piled wall, diaphragm wall, etc.) is considered to mainly consist of vertical plate elements with the same X coordinate.
The users can define the range of the plate elements which belong to a specific retaining wall as shown in the figure below. For example, south retaining wall of 1.2 m diameter and 2.5 m spacing can be defined by specifying the X and Y coordinates for Start Point and End Point. All the plates elements between two points will be automatically retrieved from the main data file and all the results (such as displacement, bending moment, shear force and axial force) related to those plate elements will be then obtained.
The plate name can be input by the users and used in the subsequent result plots and summary tables. Note that more than one plate/retaining walls can be defined in the program.
The following dialog shows the message when the plate elements are found within the ranges defined by the users.
Viewing plate element results in ALLPlate2D program
Plaxis plate element results can be viewed by the users clicking the toolbar button as shown in the figure below. A new dialog will be invoked and all the results are presented in the plot. The plot can be copied to the word file or printed into hardcopies if required.